Child is father of Man

Child is the father of man-by William Wordsworth
What it means to me is that Man is actually a product of the behavior and habits he developed during childhood. So, man will be literally gentleman if child get both of these good at his childhood.
Early to rise and early to bed is the key Mantra which I think every child has to learn. In the era of Netflix and animation children are losing this. As a parent we must teach children to get full 7-8 hours of sleep which is very essential for growing brain. Early rising will make child discipline in his daily routine. When child will get up early in morning, he will do all daily routines and then exercise to keep fit. As only healthy body can keep healthy mind. And for this if parents have to be little strict also then there is no harm.
Then comes Breakfast. The breakfast has to be like a king. Children must be taught and should be made in habits to take their first meal a proper healthy one with milk. When stomach is full, a good flow of oxygen goes to mind and children can concentrate well in studies.
These days its very important for parents to be friendly with healthy talks. Children must talk to parent and in return parent must listen to them. Everything of their daily happenings in school or outside they should share with their parents. So, this routine has to cultivated among them. This way children will have a comfort zone with parents and they will not hide those things even which otherwise they usually do.
Imparting spiritual knowledge, I think very important for parents to impart. They should get to know our Sanskars and values. They should be loved—to be loved, compassioned---so they have the feelings for others, they should be taught the dignity of labor so that they don’t feel shy doing any constructive work which otherwise considered to be low profile.
Making children punctual in other very important point.
Aastha Kapur
