
where is election commission


Movie on Prime-minister Modi




pliable journalism

Pliable Journalism Every day all most all TV channels doing so called debates and yelling like anything. Some channel anchors are evidently seeming to be on ruling side and intentionally making wrong image of other side. Many of the times when some guest speaking out the facts or against the ruling Government their voice is made lowered so that the truth of the fact may not come out. Surprisingly many of the times anchor is on one particular religion’s side and talking to other person of other religion as he or she has given work to just demoralized or insult. It’s a game of gaining TRP and making a bad wave and good. It would have been nice to see all debates in a soft yet impartial way but it’s a pity that the viewers are given sprung of one sided influenced, full of vested interest stories.

Beauty & Aesthetic Clinic

Five Recipes for the glowing skin- For Beauty and Aesthetic Clinic Today's generation is more concerned about their beauty and think that it's the person's look that matter the most. Every woman desires a picture-perfect glowing skin. So to increase the charm of the skin here are some recipes: - 1. Detox smoothie Smoothie is a special beverage which is very essential and effective if one wants to get rid of body detox. The green detox smoothie is suitable for this. It helps improve appearance of the skin and makes it glow. The ingredients needed to prepare this recipe are pineapple, banana and spinach. Just mix them together using a blender. A protein powder can be added for the flavor. 2.Oatmeal It is one of the best recipes for a glowing skin. The ingredients you are going to need: fresh blackberries, rolled oats, baking powder, ginger/cinnamon (ground), sea salt, eggs, milk, vanilla extract, maple syrup, pumpkin seeds, pecans/hazelnuts and sunflower seeds. Ta

Child is father of Man

Child is the father of man-by William Wordsworth What it means to me is that Man is actually a product of the behavior and habits he developed during childhood. So, man will be literally gentleman if child get both of these good at his childhood. Early to rise and early to bed is the key Mantra which I think every child has to learn. In the era of Netflix and animation children are losing this. As a parent we must teach children to get full 7-8 hours of sleep which is very essential for growing brain. Early rising will make child discipline in his daily routine. When child will get up early in morning, he will do all daily routines and then exercise to keep fit. As only healthy body can keep healthy mind. And for this if parents have to be little strict also then there is no harm. Then comes Breakfast. The breakfast has to be like a king. Children must be taught and should be made in habits to take their first meal a proper healthy one with milk. When stomach is full, a good f