
Showing posts from December, 2018

Beauty & Aesthetic Clinic

Five Recipes for the glowing skin- For Beauty and Aesthetic Clinic Today's generation is more concerned about their beauty and think that it's the person's look that matter the most. Every woman desires a picture-perfect glowing skin. So to increase the charm of the skin here are some recipes: - 1. Detox smoothie Smoothie is a special beverage which is very essential and effective if one wants to get rid of body detox. The green detox smoothie is suitable for this. It helps improve appearance of the skin and makes it glow. The ingredients needed to prepare this recipe are pineapple, banana and spinach. Just mix them together using a blender. A protein powder can be added for the flavor. 2.Oatmeal It is one of the best recipes for a glowing skin. The ingredients you are going to need: fresh blackberries, rolled oats, baking powder, ginger/cinnamon (ground), sea salt, eggs, milk, vanilla extract, maple syrup, pumpkin seeds, pecans/hazelnuts and sunflower seeds. Ta

Child is father of Man

Child is the father of man-by William Wordsworth What it means to me is that Man is actually a product of the behavior and habits he developed during childhood. So, man will be literally gentleman if child get both of these good at his childhood. Early to rise and early to bed is the key Mantra which I think every child has to learn. In the era of Netflix and animation children are losing this. As a parent we must teach children to get full 7-8 hours of sleep which is very essential for growing brain. Early rising will make child discipline in his daily routine. When child will get up early in morning, he will do all daily routines and then exercise to keep fit. As only healthy body can keep healthy mind. And for this if parents have to be little strict also then there is no harm. Then comes Breakfast. The breakfast has to be like a king. Children must be taught and should be made in habits to take their first meal a proper healthy one with milk. When stomach is full, a good f

Migrant Labor

There are so many inter-state migrant workers in India and there are migrants from outside India too specially from Nepal. The major reasons to migrate are: Less daily wages, poverty, indebtedness and joblessness in their origin states. Workers migrate from East Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Orissa and from north Eastern states of India. There basic occupation is agriculture and when they migrate to cities from home town, they receive more wages. Now as per the policy “Inter-state migrant workmen” act ,1979, the migrant worker get protection. They get equal and better wages for the similar duration and nature of work. They are entitled for suitable residential accommodation and free medical facilities. Also, in case of any discrimination they have right to complain and get justice in labor court. But in my views this policy is only for organized sector and that also not into force strictly. May be to some extent the act is followed in Government and semi-government organizations but w

Children and their childhood

Child labor is a big social issue in our country. Child labor is the work done by the children in any field. Childhood is the happiest period of the life for everyone during which one learns about the basic strategy of the life from parents. Person enjoys the most in their childhood only. Child labor affects their development, physically, mentally and intellectually. This period of children is to grow and develop their skills. Let them grow. Childhood is the best age to live every moment, after that they will know too much. So this period should not be ruined. Children under the age of 14 years should not be employed in any field. They are not even developed completely and people pressurize than to do any sort of work. Children are a gift of god, so let them enjoy their childhood to the fullest. Those who employ children for any field of work should give a fine of high amount and should be imprisoned. Child labor is banned still people do not stop employing children for their work.



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